
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Offering Guidance to our Mariners


The north west coast of Tasmania has many treasures, as I found out recently when I visited that area to carry out some work at Marist Regional College, Burnie.

The Table Cape Conservation Area is located not far from the coastal township of Wynyard.  As one climbs the steep roads to the area, suddenly there appears a prominent lighthouse standing on a large volcanic plug. Most of the area is used for farming, especially the growing of tulips, and for rural residential use.  Beyond the lighthouse, a 170 metre embankment falls sharply down to the waters of Bass Strait.

The area was first developed by the Van Dieman’s Land Company in the 1820s. A former mariner, Mr C.B.M. Fenton used to keep a light burning in the front window of his house to guide mariners during the night. After several shipping incidents in the  area, the The Table Cape Lighthouse was constructed in 1888. It continues its important work today.

Inspiring People

From Prague to Melbourne