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Marists and Hastags

This topic raises two questions. First, how do we choose which hastag to use for a particular tweet? Some already being used are #fmschat #AusMarist #maristaus  #newprovincenewhorizons, #maristforthewin, #MARIST and #marstsconnectingonline. Of course we can also make up other hastsgs for the particular occasion.

Second, does it really matter which hastag we use - how important is consistency? Twitter is in its early days. Each of us has our Marist involvement, each aims to contribute to a better world, each in communion with one another. We have our own addresses such as @fms_champagnat  @MaristAustralia  We can simply rely on these for our links.

 John McMahon

Caitlin and Darren McGregor

Twitter and Marists - Some Initial Thoughts