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Leadership as Mediating the Presence of the Divine

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Sr Annette Cunliffe reported on her recent visit to Rome where she attended a gathering of women Congregational leaders. There she attended a presentation by Dr Bruna Costacurta entitled ‘Authority in the Bible’. Bruna outlined the figure of the ‘Ideal King’ in Deuteronomy 17:14-20 “one who should not, with his power, rival the kingship of God, but who rather serves to mediate the presence of the divine in the midst of his people.”  Annette says the leaders at this gathering were reminded that ‘Chosen by God, and standing in a special relationship of dependence on Him, the king must live by faith ... in the awareness of being the subject of a special predilection, an election that does not flow from his abilities and personal initiative but only as a consequence of the free gift of God’s mercy”.

This is a poignant reminder of the role the Holy Spirit plays in guiding us as we lead. While we share responsibility for the organisation, we do so in harmony with God and God’s will. In working with our leadership teams and communities we have the benefit of hearing the Holy Spirit through others who are committed to the same organisation.  This is a special blessing and one that reminds us to leave time for reflection and prayer in our meetings and gatherings.

John McMahon

Leadership as Service

Celebrating A Centenary