Pilgrims at the ruins of the house where the Memorare miracle took place. We all prayed the Memorare together for our own special intentions.
Another bitterly cold day which did not seem to slow down Br Loius, who was our guide once again as we journeyed to Le Rosey, Marhles, Bourg Argental, La Chapreie and La Bessant. Each of these sites cemented very strongly a sense of ‘the brotherhood’ of Marcellan and his fellow Brothers. The remains of the building where he had struggled through the snow saw us come together to recite “The Memorare” and it was not difficult to imagine the plight of the two Brothers who implored Mary to come to their aid. The steep walk back up to the bus gave us time to contemplate the harsh climate conditions and marvel as the compassionate Marcellin off to visit his sick friend without a thought for the difficulty he might endure. His faith and love of Mary was unwavering and it saved his life.